Operators plot strategy

There was good attendance at the Warwick tourism think-tank. 115177_04


IDEAS generated by local tourism operators at a think-tank in Warwick will be captured and included in a new tourism strategy, said Southern Queensland Country Tourism CEO Mary-Clare Power.
Ms Power said an industry expert will identify the themes from a series of think-tanks and integrate them.
“Then the stakeholder reference group, which is primarily the board of Southern Queensland Country Tourism with some other key stakeholders added on to it, will then go through that and identify probably about half a dozen of the key issues that we can start to progress,” Ms Power said.
That could involve action from regional tourism offices, local or state governments.
Ms Power said the industry has shown a willingness to work together, a vital factor in ensuring tourists are aware of different attractions through the Southern Queensland tourism region, which includes the Southern Downs, Toowoomba, South Burnett, Goondiwindi, Balonne, Maranoa and Western Downs.
“That working together and referring visitor around the region is so vital,” she said.
Ms Power said digital connectivity was another issue for the region, particularly concerning Black Spots.
“More and more travellers are relying on their smart phones and being connected in that way for information and GPS et cetera,” she said.
“If we start to highlight it in this process then it’s not just someone lonely trying to solve the problem, it can perhaps be elevated up through government to make that happen.”
Ms Power said an issue effecting the Southern Downs was to see it as a region, “not just Stanthorpe and not just Warwick, but how they can work together and send our visitor to have a longer length of stay”
“It’s about having the visitor spend more time in our region, not just in our little patch,” she said.
“The whole of the region’s a tourism destination, not just Stanthorpe. There’s many operators in Warwick that are here to attract a leisure visitor, so it’s one of the destinations in the Southern Downs, it’s one of the destinations within Southern Queensland Country.
“Both areas have got opportunities with tourism and both areas have got opportunities with events – it shouldn’t be a competition.
“I’m thrilled to see the support we’ve had here today.”
Julie Peterson of Warwick Tourism and Events described the think-tank as an “excellent” opportunity.
“It was excellent to get everyone from the region in the room, whether they’re tourism operators or accommodation providers, and get our heads working on one plan and trying to collaborate between everything we have to offer in the region.”
Peter Gray of Wine Discovery Tours on the Granite Belt said it was “very, very helpful, very informative, putting everyone on the same page, recognising it as a region”.
“I think it’s a great concept,” Mr Gray said.
Apolonia Behan of Girraween Inn at Eukey said the get-together was “brilliant”.
“The tourism industry has grown exponentially since the time that we arrived in 1994,” she said.