Warwick Bowls Club

THE final of the B Singles took place on Saturday between Wayne Tucker and Brian Black with Doug Warr marker. Wayne proved the most consistent on a very heavy green, winning 25-10.
Congratulations to Wayne who will now set his sights on the Open. The draw for the Open Singles attracted 19 nominations and is on the board.
The following bowlers are down to play on or before Saturday 15 March: J Ruhle versus P Collis, B Black vs P Wagner, L Meiklejohn vs W Tucker. The rest of the draw will play on or before Saturday 22: P Hutchinson vs C Johnson, T Seaniger vs D Warr, G Murphy vs J Rickard.
The winner of the Meiklejohn/Tucker game will play D Buchbach, K Bryson versus T Wright, M O’Leary vs P Gynther, and H Gibson vs B Johnstone. There should be some pretty hard-fought games among that bunch.
The club played KFC on Wednesday and thanks them once again for sponsoring this popular day. The results were, P Cutmore, J Simpson, 21 versus L Tucker, B Black, I Campbell 18; K Gimm, L Collie, J Rickard 25 vs G Murphy, D Miller, D Warr 24; W Tucker, H Gibson, J Ruhle 25 vs K Blomfield, L Meiklejohn, C Johnson 10; C Farrell, R Bone, E Welsh 23 vs D Neal, B Hansen, B Johnstone 13.
The family feasts went to John Ruhle’s team on a draw of winners’ cards, and Edwin Welsh’s team were runners-up.
Two rinks of social bowls were played on Saturday. Results: Jim McCallum, K Gimm, J Ruhle 24 versus I Fordyce, G Murphy, H Gibson 13; R Smith, T Wright, M O’Leary 30 vs P Hutchinson, A Naylor, B Johnstone 18.
Looking ahead, there is Social play on Saturday, Watchmakers now next Sunday, Burstows on Sunday 9 March and club meetings now to be held on the second Tuesday each month, so Tuesday on 11 March.
We welcome ladies visitors and members of other clubs to join us on any of these days. Names in by 12.30 play at 1pm. Phone 4661 1516.