Tenterfield networks


THE first Tenterfield and District Visitors Association networking function is set to be held this Wednesday 26 March.
According to organiser Lara Flanaghan of Tenterfield Tourism, the event will be held at the Corner Life and Style Store and Cafe from 6pm.
“There will be no agenda for the networking function,” she said.
“I will give a brief update on what is happening with the Visitors Centre and Caitlin Reid will also be able to provide an update on what is happening in regards to marketing of the shire.
“An evening such as this is a wonderful opportunity to meet and connect with other business operators within the region and to expand your network.
“Each evening also offers a chance to experience the hospitality of the host venue. We would like to make this a quarterly event so strongly encourage people to attend.
“We will have a trade table if you would like to bring business fliers, and of course bring your business cards.”