Council means business

EDU staff members economic development project officer Jenny Sherrin and economic development officer Diane Anstee.


SOUTHERN Downs Regional Council’s Economic Development Unit is set to hold “Doing Business with Council” workshops.
If you’ve ever wondered how to do business with Southern Downs Regional Council, then there is an upcoming workshop for you.
Representatives from the council will go through the procurement and tendering process and provide you with the information you need to help you to:
* Understand the process.
* Find relevant information.
* Know what is required.
* Become a preferred supplier.
Economic development officer Diane Anstee said this was an important initiative across council departments to assist small and medium enterprises and was developed as a result of feedback that has been received.
“Business owners will be given the opportunity to ask questions and to find out firsthand how the process works,” Ms Anstee said.
“Workshops will be held in Warwick and Stanthorpe on Wednesday 16 July and will be at no cost to participants.”
Businesses are urged to register their interest by phoning 4681 5527 or email