High speed broadband

In brief

WORK to connect Stanthorpe to super fast broadband has begun.
A total of 276 Stanthorpe premises are a step closer to accessing the NBN with fixed wireless network construction underway.
The fixed wireless network will use advanced 4G technology to deliver speeds of up to 25 megabits per second, which will enable multiple high definition videos to be streamed at one time.
Council in luck’s way
TENTERFIELD Shire Council has netted $4,190,475 as part of a Federal Government financial assistance grant.
Council received the funds on Monday and is free to spend the stash according to local priorities, such as infrastructure, health, recreation, environment, employment and roads projects.
Councils in the New England electorate will receive a total of $40,982,228 this financial year, New England MP Barnaby Joyce said.
Send in a disability do
ANYONE wishing to include a community event in this year’s Disability Action Week should contact SDRC by tomorrow.
Disability Action Week (10-17 September) encourages positive attitudes towards people with a disability and promotes improved access to the wider community.
For more information about the calendar of events, contact council’s community development officers on 1300 MY SDRC (1300 697 372).
Scam warning sounded
RESIDENTS are being warned not to fall prey to a telephone scam.
During the call, a person claiming to be Telstra Bigpond representative threatens to immediately disconnect the internet due to corrupt files.
Telstra confirmed it was not standard practice and it will investigate the matter.
Fierce polocrosse comp
TRANS Tasman rivalry will make for fierce polocrosse competition as Queensland and New South Wales go head-to-head with New Zealand at Morgan Park this weekend. Hosted by Warwick Polocrosse Club, men’s teams will battle for the Cooper Cup over two nights and two days with the curtain-raiser between Queensland’s number two team and NSW being played at 6pm tomorrow under lights.The grand final for the prestigious trophy will be contested on Sunday. An auction will be held on Saturday night in support of Alex Rowe who was diagnosed with myelodysplasia in October 2010.
Spotlight on brave cops
THREE Ipswich district police officers have received a group bravery citation for their actions in apprehending two gun-wielding offenders at Killarney in 2012.
Constable Peter Bridger, Senior Constable Paul Coates and Senior Sergeant Brett Wendt were among 88 Australian bravery decorations announced by Governor-General Peter Cosgrove on Monday.
After an 80km pursuit on the night of 27 July, the trio managed to capture the offenders near Killarney when their car drove over police-established tyre spikes and lost control.
It is the 39th anniversary of the Australian honours system, which represents the highest level of recognition that can be accorded for outstanding achievement and service in national life.