Rattle of brains

What\’s on

BE prepared to have your brain rattled – at the Rattle of The Brains Trivia Night at Allora Community Hall on Friday night.
The doors and bar open at 6.15pm with round one due to begin at 7pm – eight people per table ($10 per person).
There will be pizza, nibblies and supper with tea and coffee as well as some good monetary prizes. Contact St Patrick’s School office on 4666 3551 for further information.
May Country Showcase
GET out those boots and head to Allora State School Hall this Sunday for the the Ultra Golden Country Music Association’s May Country Showcase.
Featured guest artists include Reg Oliver, Gail Kelly and Judy McCory along with Darryl Craft, Heather McPhail and the Saxy Lady. The event is $5, kicks off at 1pm and includes tea and coffee all day and afternoon tea. There will be a lucky door prize and raffle tickets. Contact Carolyn on 0746 614 858 or 0439 929 225 or email jamespierc3@bigpond.com.