Water rates rise again

A comparison of the 20mm water access charges from 2014/'15 to 2015/'16 for each current water supply area.


WATER prices have risen as a part of the Southern Downs Regional Councils ongoing water transition in what will mark the second continuous year of rises.
Allora is going to be the hardest hit, paying around $2 more a week per 20mm of water access while Warwick will be the least affected, forking out an extra $0.60 a week.
Mayor Peter Blundell said the provision of high quality water came with challenges.
“Council has introduced changes to the water pricing structure through which we’re seeking to achieve a number of objectives,” he said.
“Firstly, council must be able to generate sufficient revenue to allow the water business to finance its functions.
“We need to ensure prices are cost-reflective, meaning our prices cover the full cost of providing a water service, and that customers in similar locations pay similar prices.
“We’re also seeking to ensure a level of equity between the different customer classes, with equal charges for equal services, but also having consideration of charges based on the ability to pay,” he said.
The transition will continue with the current 10 water supply areas shifting to two supply areas. It began in 2014/’15 and will continue through the 2015/’16 and 2016/’17 financial years.
“Supply area one will cover areas receiving fully treated water including Allora, Warwick, Yangan, Killarney, Stanthorpe and Wallangarra,” Mayor Blundell said.
“Supply area two will encompass all partially treated water supply areas including Dalveen, Karara, Leyburn and Pratten.”
Mayor Blundell also said the rises would be different in certain areas.
“As a result of this transitional period, water charges for some areas will increase by more and some areas will increase by less than the 10 per cent figure promoted in the council’s 2015/’16 budget,” he said.