Retailers turn purple for charity

RACQ is just one of the many businesses getting involved - the Cancer Council's Mikey Dwan and Shona Gibson with RACQ employees Sharyn Meiklejohn, Amanda Gresinger and the Cancer Council's Rhianna Quirk yesterday at the launch.


THE Relay for Life has officially been launched in the Southern Downs region.
Representatives from the Cancer Council and big supporter of the charity Cr Neil Meiklejohn gathered at Rose City Shoppingworld to officially mark the beginning of this year’s Relay for Life.
The event was held to kick off Paint the Town Purple, which encourages local businesses to get involved.
Cr Meiklejohn holds the charity close to his heart with his daughter Caitlyn having won her fight against cancer.
“From a parent and carer of a survivor it’s a very personal and healing thing to be a part of it,” he said.
“Rose City is one of the main sponsors of Paint the Town Purple. It’s all in the lead-up to Relay for Life on 12 and 13 September.
“We’re still looking to recruit teams, sponsors, people who want to come down, particularly survivors and carers because we have a survivors and carers lap which is a part of our opening ceremony for Relay for Life,” he said.
Cancer Council co-ordinator Shona Gibson said she encouraged anyone with an interest to come along and have a chat.
“Paint the Town Purple is really about raising awareness for Southern Downs Relay for Life. That’s why we’ve launched it to this week during Paint the Town Purple which is really an initiative where businesses can help promote awareness,” she said.
“This week we’re going to be at Rose City for anyone who wants to come and chat with us or to other Cancer Council volunteers about services and the Cancer Council in general.”
Laurence Springborg has been announced as patron of Relay for Life this year, while heart transplant survivor Stewart Bailey will be the face of the event.
“What we’re trying to do is also just raise awareness around Relay for life. You don’t have to be on a team to come down and be part of it, you can be a survivor, you might be a carer, you might just want to come down and support, have a chat with people. Please come down and support the relay and raising awareness for the fight against cancer,” Ms Gibson said.