Allora Spring Fair

Cleo Patchett, Masie Hill, Kye Hill and Eliza Feltham with the Guess the Lollies jar.

ALLORA State School celebrated the beginning of Spring with their annual Spring Fair on Sunday.
There was an all-day barbecue, morning and afternoon tea stalls, show bags and market stalls throughout the day.
One lucky little girl even won a bike, with Matilda Lever taking home the big prize this year, sponsored by Redback Bikes.
P & C President Jeff Lack said it gets bigger every year.
“This event is a great way for the whole community to welcome in the new season and to showcase our great school,” he said.
“We have built upon the Spring Fair for over five years now and each year it seems bigger and bigger.”
Profits raised from the event are going towards the Year 7-10 under-cover eating area.