Community Diary & Directory

Warwick Pensioner League Meeting. Thursday 22 October, 10.30am at Cowboys Club House, Queens Park, Warwick. Phone Ruby 4664 4163.

Liston Community Hall Inc. Trash and Treasure. Saturday 24 October. Liston Hall, 8am-noon. Furniture, books, bric a brac, plants, clothes, sausage sizzle, tea, coffee and cake available. To book a stall phone Trish on 07 4686 1188.

Warwick Potters Rodeo Counrty Markets. Saturday October 24. 8am till 2pm at Leslie Park Warwick. Over 170 stalls, 200 sites. Plenty of Christmas shopping, food and drinks, entertainment, activities for the young ones, art and craft plus much more.

QCWA Stanthorpe Branch Spring Luncheon. Saturday 24 October. Cost: $15.00. 11.30am for noon luncheon at 5 Victoria Street, Stanthorpe. Lucky door ticket, multi draw raffles. Phone Libby 4681 1661.

Woolworths Stanthorpe Ute and Boot Markets. Woolworths Stanthorpe Carpark. 25 October. Markets run from 8am until noon. Raising funds for the Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation.

TAFE Qld South West in Warwick will be running a First Aid and CPR short course. Thursday 29 October. Attendees can learn both First Aid and CPR or simply refresh their CPR. Spaces will fill quickly, enrolment cut-off date being 22 October. If interested call 1300 914 754 to enrol or visit for more information.

I Like Myself. A workshop for Mental Health Carers. Facilitated by Katrina Marsh and Kellie McDonald. Thursday 29 October. 9am-3pm at the Warwick Library. Lunch and morning tea included. Topics include happiness, mindfulness, addiction and self-care. For more information call Arafmi on 4687 7771.

Warwick Blue Light Disco. Halloween. Friday 30 October, 6pm-8.30pm at Leslie Park, Warwick. Fancy dressed $3 entry, no fancy dress $5. Year 9 students and below, children under 6 must have parental supervision. Face painting, bungee run, jumping castle, sausage sizzle, fancy dressed prizes, and drinks. Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at drop off and pick up. Visit for info or

Killarney Red Cross Melbourne Cup Luncheon. Tuesday 3 November. Senior Citizens Hall, 11.30am start. Entertainment, hat competition, multi draw raffle, sweeps and lucky door. Admission $12. Phone Coralie 4664 1380.

Warwick Pensioner League will meet 5 November, noon at Chung Hing Restaurant. Names please to Ruby on 4664 4163.

Warwick Choral Society Inc. is hosting an Anzac Commemoration concert. Saturday 7 November at 2pm, Williams Hall, Guy Street, Warwick. Guest artists include Norma O’Hara Murphy, school choirs, other local community groups and individuals presenting a variety of entertainment. Tickets available for purchase from 26 October at the Bellevue Cafe. Ticket price includes afternoon tea.

QCWA Killarney Branch Garden party – Melrose. Saturday 14 November, 1pm. Phone 4666 4165.

Amnesty International, Stanthorpe, meets on the third Tuesday of the month at Granite Belt Support Services, 44 Short Street, Stanthorpe, at 6pm. Phone 0477 951 051.
Baha’i Faith. For information and meeting times in Warwick phone 4661 3862 or 4661 7790 and for meetings in Stanthorpe phone 4681 2618.
Border Landcare Organic Group meets on the fourth Saturday of the month. Phone Sarah Hamlyn-Harris on 4681 2962.
Lions Club of Warwick meets at the Criterion Hotel on the first and third Wednesday of the month from 6.30pm to 7pm for fellowship. Phone Trevor Sheeran on (07) 4661 2469 or Mike Keim on (07) 4661 8493.
Over Eaters Anonymous, serving the Southern Downs, meets weekly in Clifton. Phone 4697 3185 or 4612 3201.
CVC Drop-In Centre is open every Friday from 9am to 11am at the CVC Hall, corner Albion and Mary streets, Warwick. All welcome. Phone 4661 2120 or visit
Warwick Veteran and Vintage Vehicle Club is for people who are interested in restoring vintage vehicles. Phone Joe on 0488 922 345.
Warwick Men’s Shed members meet every Saturday, Monday and Wednesday from 9am to noon. Broadband for Seniors, free internet access and tuition. Phone 0490 170 569.
Warwick Weight Crunchers meets at the Community Centre, Oak Tree Retirement Village, 12 O’Leary Street, Warwick, on Mondays at 9am. Phone Rosemary on 0402 006 222.
Fr Joe McKey Archives/Museum is at Old St Mary’s Church, Palmerin Street, Warwick. Visits are welcomed and may be arranged by phoning the curator on 4661 3497.
Handicraft classes are held by QCWA qualified teachers on Wednesdays from 9am to 11am at the QCWA Tea Rooms at 56 Grafton Street, Warwick. Cost is $3. Phone Nola on 4661 3481 or Audrey on 4661 2509.
Killarney Country Markets are held on the last Sunday of each month at Canning Park from 9am to 1pm. Phone 0408 250 530 or
Stanthorpe Brass Band rehearses on Thursdays 6.30pm to 8pm (winter) at the band shell, Weeroona Park, Marsh St, Stanthorpe. Phone 4681 1135 or 0433 366 464.
Yowie Country Market and Music Day is held at the Woodenbong sub-hall and grounds at 8am. Routine held on the last Saturday of the month. Insured stall sites cost $12. Phone Carey on (02) 6635 1176.
Games of 500 are played every Wednesday from 9am to noon at the Stanthorpe RSL. Phone John or Jan on 4681 3761.
Cards anyone? Crazy whist is played on Tuesdays at 10am and Fridays at 2pm at Warwick RSL Club. Phone 4666 3248.
Killarney Senior Citizens members play cards every Wednesday from 1.30pm and bowls from 1.30pm on Tuesdays. Phone 4664 1208.
Warwick and Districts Card Crafters Group meets on the first Wednesday of the month at Warwick Library from 11am to 2pm. All welcome. Phone Darlene on 4661 2916 or Paula on 4661 4266.
Kids Club is held at Wesleyan Chapel, corner Wood and William streets on Wednesdays from 3.50pm to 5pm for Grades 1 to 7. Phone Joyce on 4667 0124 or Pastor Doug Baigrie on 0439 838 525 for more information.
Tenterfield Playgroup Association meets every Friday from 10am to noon at the RSL Hall on Molesworth Street. Parents and carers of children under five welcome, they just need to bring morning tea for themselves and their child. Phone Rachel on 0429 436 756.
Australian Breastfeeding Association, Stanthorpe, meets on the first Thursday of the month from 9.30am at 8 Corundum Street. Phone 0409 001 634 or email
Christian Victory Centre is open at 10am on Sundays at 13 Mary Street, Warwick. Phone 4661 2515 or visit
Granite Belt Baptist Church meets every Sunday from 9.30am to 6pm at the Little Theatre, Connor Street, Stanthorpe. Phone 4681 0350.
Stanthorpe Seventh Day Adventist Church in Caves Road meets each Saturday at 9.30am for Bible study and at 11am for divine service. Phone 4681 2065 or 4681 1382.
Wesleyan Methodist Church on the corner of Wood and William streets, Warwick, holds a family service at 9am on Sundays. All welcome. Phone Pastor Doug Baigrie on 0439 838 525.
The Granite Belt U3A meets for friendship and learning on the third Thursday of the month. Phone the secretary on 4681 3495.
Rotary Club of Warwick Sunrise holds a breakfast meeting each Thursday from 7am to 8am at Gardens Galore, Albion Street, Warwick. All welcome. Phone Peter Rodeck on 0408 154 478.
QCWA Killarney Branch Handcraft. Third Monday every monthly, 9am. Floral Art, 9:30am last Monday every month. Ph: 4666 4165.
Seniors Table Tennis Group for over 55s meets every Monday from 9am to 11am at the club house next to the squash courts. Phone Christine on 4666 1239 or Una on 0406 274 377.
St Mark’s Indoor Bowls Club meets every Wednesday at 7.30pm at St Mark’s Hall, Warwick. Phone Ed on 4661 8885.
St Andrew’s Tennis Club welcomes new members to play every Wednesday at 8.30am and on Saturday afternoons on the corner of Stacey Street, Warwick. Phone 4661 2340.
St Andrew’s Indoor Bowls Club meets on Thursdays at 1.30pm at Williams Hall, Warwick. Phone Jean on 4661 8117 or Ruth on 4667 1393.
Stanthorpe and District Naval Subsection meets every fourth Sunday at Stanthorpe RSL. Lunch is available at the club and the general meeting is held at 1.30pm. Phone the president on 4681 3375.
Stanthorpe Toastmasters meets on the second and fourth Thursday of the month at 7pm at the Adult Learning Centre, McGlew Street, Stanthorpe. Visitors welcome to pop in at no charge. Phone Keith on (07) 4683 2100.
Tenterfield Community Gardens holds a working bee behind Tenterfield TAFE in the High Street on Saturdays from 2pm to 5pm. Everyone is welcome to join in producing fresh produce in a friendly and social setting. Contact Granite Borders Landcare on (02) 6736 3500.
Tenterfield Arts and Craft Society meets on Thursdays at the Visitors Information Centre, Rouse Street from 10am to 2pm. Visitors should bring lunch. Phone (02) 6736 3973 or (02) 6736 3709.
Tenterfield all in Together Shed meets on Thursdays at the TAFE barn, Wood Street. Men and women are invited to join in and learn new skills and work on projects for a $2 donation for a cuppa and biscuit. Phone Ian Docherty on 0402 305 003.
Tenterfield Petanque (Pe-Tong) Group meets on Thursdays from 1.30pm to 5pm at Millbrook Park, Naas Street, Tenterfield. Petanque is a social game with simple rules and is lots of fun. Playing fee is $3. Bring a chair and afternoon tea. Phone Jan and Warwick Firth on (02) 6736 3445 or Robyn and Tom Short on (02) 6736 4980.
The Southern Downs Jazz Society is looking for members. Phone Terry on 4664 1713.
The Qld Justices Association Warwick Branch meets monthly at the Warwick RSL meeting room at 6.15pm. All JPs or Commissioners for Declaration are welcome. For more information phone Fiori Cruz on 0409 964 278 or Brendan Holland on 0407 756 377.
U3A Warwick meets for friendship, learning and sharing skills. Phone Erica on 4667 0848.
Warwick Artist’s Group meets in Willi Street. The art group meets on Mondays from 1pm to 4pm, the textile art group meets on Tuesdays from 10am to 1pm, the acrylics group meets on Wednesdays from 10am to noon, and the water colours group meets on Fridays from10am to noon. Inquiries to Sue Keong on 0402 460 919.
Warwick Central Indoor Bowls Club meets on Thursdays at 7.30pm and Saturdays at 1.30pm at St Mary’s Hall. Open afternoon names by1.15pm please. Phone Luke on 4667 1375 or Ruby on 4664 4163.
Warwick Choral Society practices on Monday nights at the choir hall, Percy Street, from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Phone 4661 5173.
Warwick City Brass Band rehearses on Mondays from 7pm to 9pm. New players of any age are welcome. Phone 4661 7631 or 4661 3714.
Warwick Contact Bridge Club meets on Mondays at 1pm, Wednesday evenings, and Friday at 1pm in Wallace Street. Phone 4661 2045 or 0423 276 790.
Warwick Day View Club meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 11am for lunch at Warwick Golf Club. Phone Michele on 4661 5339.
Warwick and District Country Music Club practice night is on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 7pm at Slade Hall. Phone 4664 1374, 4667 1483 or 4666 6062.
Warwick Potters Association’s gallery at 63 Horsman Road is open on Wednesdays and Saturdays. For inquiries phone Raye on 0402 307 637.
Warwick Red 8. Hatters meets on the second Tuesday of February, April, June, August, October and December. Phone Florence on 4661 3914 or Margaret on 4661 2326.
Warwick RSL holds crazy whist games on Tuesdays at 10am and Fridays at 2pm. New players welcome. Phone 4661 7288 or 4661 1481.
Warwick Thistle Pipe Band practices each Friday night at the band room in Albert Street at 7pm. Players and learners most welcome. Phone 4661 3547.
Warwick Theosophy Group meets on the last Sunday of each month at Warwick Library room from 12.30pm to 5pm. There is a guest speaker each month at 1.30pm. It is an open group and everyone is welcome. Phone Suzie on 4661 2309.
Warwick Toastmaster Club meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at Warwick Library rooms at 7.30pm. Phone Trina 0435 005 612.
Warwick Shire Woodcrafters meets on the last Wednesday evening of the month from 7.30pm to 8.30pm and every Saturday morning. Phone Wayne Vince on (07) 4661 9282.