Letters to the Editor



Run fund raiser
On behalf of the Lions Club of Warwick, I would like to thank the Warwick community which supported us in the recently run fund raising of the Grocery Grab (vouchers) $400 valued grocery in aid of Lions Cord Blood Foundation, an Australia-wide Lions project.
This fundraiser was in cooperation with the participant Store of Foodworks Westside Warwick whose generosity donated $200 worth of goods and the Warwick Lions Club matched it with another $200.
The three weeks fundraising ended with the draw of the ticket by Lions treasurer Jeff Ferguson and Foodworks assistant manager Annett Davies.
The winner was Alan Ryan, ticket No. 998. Congratulations Alan.
Funds raised were a little over $1500 after expenses.
The Lions Club decided to donate $1000 to the Cord Blood Foundation while $500 will be donated to a local community in need, which is yet to be nominated.
I take the opportunity to thank the Foodworks Westside proprietor and manager Chris Pettiford for the kind donation.
The Warwick community is always there to support us and volunteers at Warwick Lions who worked hard to get this project going.
Concetto Lo Giudice,
Lions Club of Warwick.

Rates highly
Thank you for Lots More Rates (Southern Free Times, 22 October).
It is sobering indeed to read the Qld Palaszcuk Government now intends to slug urban and rural property owners with yet another state tax; an additional Emergency Management Levy imposed on each individual portion of the property they own.
This unjust matter should have been thrashed out at the recent council and mayors’ meeting in Toowoomba.
Our council needs to show a bit of backbone for a change and truly represent us, their ratepayers.
Clearly with 80 per cent of the state in severe drought, the government demands are equivalent to getting blood out of a stone.
Such an imposition displays total ignorance and is nothing short of an utter disgrace.
A. Daly,

You’ll pay
To Mayor Blundell and SDRC councillors, with special notes to the mighty mayor.
I read with amazement that you are talking rate rises for next year.
Don’t get excited as I doubt whether you will have your cushy job after the next election as well as many of your councillors.
As rate payers we have had enough of your wasteful spending of rate payers’ money.
It seems to me that the more handouts you get from the State Government the more you want to waste on vehicles and flash cars.
Don’t you think rate payers can see what you are up to? I think your scrap book will be nearly full of coloured pictures I have seen in the papers prior to the rodeo.
I think the rate payers know who you are and the rest who have had their photos splashed around, I can assure you that by the people I have spoken to it has done very little to getting you votes.
Also, by the way, why have we got machinery hidden down back streets not used for up to four days?
I was told by a council worker that this happens because we do not have enough operators.
So wouldn’t it be good to get rid of your well paid high flyers with all the lurks and perks and the new shiny vehicle and employ some local people and teach them how to operate the machinery so this does not happen again and the rate payer gets value for money.
W. Long,

Floating on debt
How can Australians find out who the Federal Government is borrowing money from to keep this indebted country afloat?
Do we owe special favours to our benevolent source?
Listening to all the chatter about free trade deals makes this writer nervous.
Question Time in the House of Representatives is to be well informed of the brilliance of such deals!
Australian products will be of such magnitude that thousands will be employed to fill the orders!
I read in another place that foreign ownership of Queensland’s 5.8 million hectares is now 3.4 per cent.
China brought property totalling $872.5 million in 2014-2015 from $463 million the previous year, Singapore claimed $421.5 million up from $157.9 the previous year, and Hong Kong investors spent $111.9 million.
With 2.2 million hectares owned by UK interests and 548,000ha by the US imagine what the rest of Australia has lost!
Is the selling off of Australia a requirement for debt finance?
With so much of our land now in foreign hands where will this free trade bonanza come from?
The countries will surely produce here, ship to their home countries and we will end up having to buy back what they produced here!
Melba Morris,