Thunderstorms, downpours predicted

Storm clouds roll in.


THIS month the eastern parts of Australia are predicted to have above average rainfall.
Indian Ocean temperatures are still staying above average and this is enough, combined with a weakening El Nino to generate unstable weather across parts of Qld.
Severe thunderstorms with cold fronts that could generate rain for the southern parts of Qld are predicted around these dates 14 February to 18 February, 26 February to 1 March, and 12 March to 16 March.
Events from the north can be expected on these dates, 25 February to 29 February, 4 March to 8 March, and 9 March to 13 March.
Temperatures should be a bit cooler than we have been experiencing
with just below averages expected.
Some areas to the west still need rain desperately, and there are some
indicators that the western regions may pick up some good falls.