Cassells cash for Lifeflight

Lifeflight Southwest (formerly careflight) Relationship manager Sarah Delahunty receives a cheque to help with operations form David Cassels on behalf of Cassells Automotive.

LIFEFLIGHT were the big winners late last month when they were presented with a cheque for $7200 in Warwick.
The money was handed over to Lifeflight Southwest (formerly careflight) Relationship manager Sarah Delahunty by David Cassels on behalf of Cassells Automotive.
David, the principal and owner of the company, said the company was happy to help such a worthy cause.
“When every new car registration goes through, money from that registration gets put aside and accumulates,” he said.
“Once a year Cassels Automotive then makes a donation to the hard efforts put in by the Lifeflight team.
“When you shop local, you are supporting local business and, in turn, your local community. Lifeflight is part of our local community. Cassels Automotive believes our community survives by businesses, giving back not only to organisations such as Lifeflight but also smaller sporting organisations and such.”
Ms Delahunty was full of praise for the organisation.
“Thanks to Cassels Automotive for their ongoing support,” she said.
“For a number of years they have been making this donation, and it is much appreciated. Lifeflight also would like to thank all the locals who have supported this local business. By doing so you are helping to save local lives.”