Some spectacular sights

Well, as Slim Dusty once sang…“I’ve been and I’ve seen and I’ve done that!”

I have seen floods and wild storms and spectacular sunrises and sunsets, beautiful flowers and wonderful country and crops. So I thought this week I’d just share a few pictures of some of the things from the last several weeks.

As I have been driving around I have never seen the wild flowers looking so spectacular. The wattle, as I went west, was just great…so many different varieties and colours. Then over the blue mountains, a different lot of things in flower.

The family I was taking to Sydney got a bit tired of me stopping to take photographs or to pick a piece of something…and there were so many times I could have stopped and didn’t because there was no where to park!!

Coming home via Mendooran last week I was absolutely astounded at the number of yellow everlasting daisies that were on the verge and behind them stands of rice flower…the yellow and white was wonderful. Around the corner and I was greeted by marvellous stands of a lovely fluffy pale mauve flowering shrub that I didn’t recognise. I even found wonderful creamy white flannel flowers.

Further along stands of deep red hop bush and bright yellow pea flowers…I am in awe of the diversity of the beautiful creations. I have seen the wild flowers of Western Australia and the display in the Dubbo/Mendooran/Coonabarabran area was definitely right up there with WA this year.

I’ve had a friend keeping my lawn under control while I’ve been away but the gardens certainly need some attention and will keep me occupied for quite a while!!

My red peony poppies are still flowering and I am delighted that I’ve come home in time to at least enjoy some of those. Self-sown tomato plants are growing in their dozens and the chokoes I put in hurriedly before I left are going well. The honey suckle on the back fence is flowering beautifully and the perfume is lovely coming in my bedroom window and even the loganberry bush I planted about two years ago is flowering and setting fruit!! It just goes to show that things will survive and flourish without my constant attention!!