U3A Warwick toasts 30 years

Tai Chi presentation.

By Bob Wilson

U3A Warwick is celebrating its 30th year in 2023 with several social functions held to bring members together.

Social convenor Louize Fulton has held two functions so far and is now planning for the annual tutors’ luncheon on 25 August.

As part of U3A’s 30th anniversary celebrations, a morning tea was recently held at the Churches of Christ auditorium. Various groups gave presentations including the advanced Tai Chi class.

Tutor Avis Stehn led the group in demonstrating Tai Chi and then invited audience members to join in. Avis has been leading classes for the Tai Chi groups at Leslie Park since 2003. This has progressed over time to an advanced group on Thursday mornings and an intermediate class on Fridays. From 2024 Avis will be offering a beginners’ group.

At this well-attended social function, Stuart Watt gave presentations on birding and astronomy. Neil Bonnell, who presents a class on modern China, shared some insights, accompanied by a slideshow.

The first social event of 2023 was an evening at The Kompound, a trivia museum and entertainment venue at Rosenthal Heights. Guests were entertained by segments offered by U3A groups including line dancing, Scottish Country dancing, and African drumming.

Course coordinator Sandra Wilson said that as of July the Warwick group has 171 active members. U3A Warwick runs 22 courses including bird watching, bushwalking, card games, line dancing, music appreciation, a craft group, Scottish country dancing and book clubs. Details about all courses can be found on U3A Warwick’s website.

“We operate in school term with most courses taking a break in the holidays. Anyone can join at any time,” Sandra said.

For more information, browse the website: u3awarwick.org.au/