Feels like an early spring at Whistle Stop Gardens


By Kath Ives and Carol Parkinson

The first week of this month brought the expected August westerly winds as well as a stark reminder that warmer weather is just around the corner.

This reminder means that it’s all action stations at Whistle Stop Heritage and Community Gardens. There’s so much to do at the gardens and not all of it is actually in the garden.

Jobs at Whistle Stop Gardens range from sowing seeds; sorting the plants for the plants-sales igloo; building mounds of compost; weeding; and harvesting. People can choose to prepare garden beds; and wash pots ready for propagation; play ‘shops’ collecting money from customers for book and plant sales; talking to visitors; welcoming new residents; and participating in joyous morning tea discussions.

Whistle Stop Gardens is about building a sense of community. It is a great place to meet like-minded people and form long-lasting friendships.

We are always looking for volunteers to help us keep Whistle Stop Gardens as a beautiful community resource, whether once in a while or once or twice a week.

The garden also accepts donations of good quality books for our bookstore and as many bags of home-grown manure as possible.

Also, for those who do not have time to volunteer but want to support Whistle Stop Gardens, we invite you to become financial members ($5/year) to help us cover our ongoing expenses.

At the end of the day, Whistle Stop is a resource for everyone – in community and for community.

Whistle Stop Gardens is the place to be. We are open from Wednesday to Saturday from 8am to noon. Come and see for yourself, you will be very welcome.