Strip and throw stratagem employed

Mavis Simpson, Dianne Dawes, Noela Collins and Carla Hall.

Dealer: N Vul: Nil


♠ KJ54

♥ QJ1083

♦ K62

♣ 2


♠ Q1076 ♠ 6

♥ 76 ♥ 52

♦ Q43 ♦ A10875

♣ Q1096 ♣ AK854


♠ A932

♥ AK94

♦ J9

♣ J73

The phrase “strip and throw in” is not a university college initiation rite, but a ploy used by a bridge player who is trying to make a contract.

On Board One (above) from the Warwick Bridge Club last Friday, Jan Hegarty and Dianne Dawes were the only North/South pair to bid and make 4H, which required ten tricks to be made. They had an opportunity to use this stratagem.

East made what can only be described as the very conservative lead of the four of clubs. What use were the Ace and King? West won whatever South played and now had to choose a continuation. A spade or a diamond would have ensured that the necessary ten tricks would be won.

So, as neither of the top clubs had appeared, West returned a club, which was trumped by declarer (North) with the eight of hearts. (The three might be a useful link with dummy (South) later. Next, declarer crossed to the Ace of hearts and followed with a club to be ruffed by North. Next came a heart to the King, leaving East/West with none.

Now South’s last club was trumped by North. East/West had been stripped of hearts and dummy of clubs. It was time to switch to spades, starting with the Ace and then the nine, which was covered by the ten and topped by the Jack. East showed out, so the time for the throw in was approaching.

North then played the King and threw West in with the fourth spade. West now had D Q43 and C Q, North H 3 and D K62, East D A and C A, C K. Declarer already had eight tricks and whatever West leads, declarer will make two more tricks. Put the last four cards out and try it. It is possible that the defenders made a crucial early error, but let’s hope that the deal was played as described above.

Results: Monday, 21/08/23 (3 & ½-table Howell): N. Collins P. Campbell (60.4) 1; T. Hinde P. Kelly (58.3) 2; R. Hart S. Goddard (57.3) 3. Friday, 25/08/23 (5-table Mitchell) N/S N. Bonnell B. Bonnell (59.6) 1; Jenny Smith R. Hart (55.8) 2. E/W D. Moran N. McGinness (59.6) 1; P. Kelly C. Hall (57.1) 2.