Stanthorpe’s apple industry under threat

One of Stanthorpe’s main industries, that provides 15 per cent of Australia’s apples, is under threat, according to local apple farmer Wayne Thomas.
Mr Thomas, a fourth-generation apple farmer, said Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s announcement that Australia will import apples from New Zealand spells disaster for Stanthorpe.
“It will bring disease and more apples that we don’t need,” he said.
“We’re struggling now because we’re competing all over Australia. When the disease comes, and it will come, it will basically cause Stanthorpe to shut down.
“It’s going to put a lot of pressure on the farmers. It won’t put money in our pockets.
“The apple industry creates a lot of employment in the Stanthorpe area.”
Mr Thomas, who grows about 10 acres, or four hectares of apples, urged residents to support their local growers and buy local produce.
Federal Member for Maranoa Bruce Scott is also supportive of the ‘buy locally’ campaign and thought more promotion on this was necessary.
“It’s a significant industry for the Stanthorpe area,” Mr Scott said.
“There’s still an import risk assessment to be done and that could take six months to do,” he said.
Southern Downs Regional Mayor Ron Bellingham said he was strongly against importing apples from New Zealand.
“This is just silly. We need to protect our clean image and we do not need to import diseases,” Cr Bellingham said.
“In this country, it would devastate that industry. We can protect our agricultural industries and we have a responsibility to do so,” he said.
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