Uni within reach

Every student in Warwick and Stanthorpe who wants to go to university will benefit from the legislation passed through the Senate last week, which will deliver on the Australian Government’s commitment to open up access to university education.
Labor Senator for Queensland, John Hogg, said the funding bill would give more students living in Warwick and Stanthorpe the opportunity to gain a university education.
Senator Hogg said the passing of the bill ensured public universities would be funded for undergraduate student places based on student demand.
“Universities will no longer have to negotiate annually with Canberra over how many undergraduate places to offer in each discipline,” he said.
“Universities will be able to offer courses much more flexibly in response to what students and employers need.”
The Australian Government’s higher education reforms have already given more Australians the opportunity of a university education than ever before.
“The number of undergraduate Commonwealth supported places at the University of Southern Queensland has increased from 7093 in 2008 to 8583 this year, an increase of 21 per cent,” Senator Hogg said.
He said the Education Support Amendment (Demand Driven Funding System and Other Measures) Bill 2011 was another important reform to higher education.
“A university education is a ticket to greater career choice and to high skilled and high paid jobs. These are aspirations that thousands more Australians are now able to realise,” Senator Hogg said.