The Stanthorpe Library has been successful in their application for a Queensland State Library Digital Literacy Grant.
About $10,000 has been granted for a project to up-skill residents in identified target groups in the use of new technologies.
“The Queensland State Library considered the application to be excellent, with good potential to address the digital literacy needs of disadvantaged groups within the community,” said Cr Denise Ingram, chair of the community services portfolio.
This project will foster inclusive digital participation in the community and build sustainable digital literacy library services, and will be developed and delivered in partnership with GraniteNet through the Stanthorpe Library.
Training in a range of new technologies will be included and a wiki and blog will be developed to collect local history stories and local recipes, which will utilise the skills learned.
If successful, a similar project could be offered regionally at a later date.
This program, together with the Year of Reading activities, will be the two big focuses for the library service in 2012/13.
These programs will be offered at minimal cost due to the successful State Government funding applications made.
Residents are encouraged to participate in these programs and to utilise the library facilities available throughout our region for the whole family to enjoy.