Health service chief executive appointed

Dr Peter Bristow

Darling Downs Hospital and Health Board chair Mike Horan recently announced that Toowoomba doctor Peter Bristow had been appointed Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service (DDHHS) chief executive.
Mr Horan said the appointment follows a rigorous selection process and extensive advertising campaign for the chief executive roles throughout Queensland.
“At the interview, the selection panel that I chaired identified Dr Bristow as the leading applicant and this has been approved by the Minister for Health Lawrence Springborg,” he said.
Mr Horan said Dr Bristow had been acting in the role of chief executive officer since July 2011 for the former Health Service District.
He has worked extremely hard in the role, guiding the district through this time of change.
“Peter is completely committed to the role and I am keen to work with him in progressing healthcare throughout the region following the establishment of the Hospital and Health Boards by the Queensland Government.
“Peter has an extraordinary depth of knowledge of the local health system, and the tasks facing the Hospital and Health Service,” he said.
Dr Bristow trained as an intensive care physician and subsequently worked at Liverpool Hospital NSW and Alfred Hospital, Melbourne.
In 2000 he started as director Intensive Care, Toowoomba Hospital, working across both the public and private sector. He is an Associate Professor at the University of Queensland.
Dr Bristow became the executive director Medical Services for the then Toowoomba Health Service District in 2004 and continued to work in Intensive Care.
He subsequently became executive director Toowoomba Hospital. Since July 2011, he has acted as chief executive officer of the Darling Downs District.
Mr Horan said the Darling Downs Hospital and Health Board was confident that Dr Bristow would provide professional and caring leadership for the staff and patients of this large service.
Dr Bristow said he decided to take this opportunity to try to improve hospital and healthcare delivery.
“It is a large area and there are numerous challenges in our current environment but I am looking forward to addressing these with the board and the dedicated staff of the DDHHS. I am very appreciative of the trust that has been shown in me by the selection committee and board.”