Premier Campbell Newman and Police Minister Jack Dempsey have announced Deputy Commissioner for Regional Operations Ian Stewart as the State’s new Police Commissioner.
Mr Newman said Deputy Commissioner Stewart would take over from Commissioner Bob Atkinson who has been in the top job for 12 years.
“Deputy Commissioner Stewart has almost 40 years of experience within the Queensland Police Service (QPS) and has proven himself again and again,” Premier Newman said.
“Deputy Commissioner Stewart showed he could be counted on when, as the inaugural State Disaster Co-ordinator, he controlled the state-wide disaster response during the unprecedented flooding and cyclone events of 2011/2012.
“I also thank Commissioner Atkinson for his years of dedicated service and wish him well.
“Commissioner Atkinson kept the police service running effectively through triumphant and difficult times, such as the 2001 Goodwill Games in Brisbane, the disappearance of Daniel Morcombe and numerous natural disasters.”
Mr Dempsey said he was looking forward to working with Deputy Commissioner Stewart in his new role as Commissioner of Police.
“It’s an exciting time for QPS, with the addition of 1100 officers over the next four years and the introduction of the police helicopter service,” Mr Dempsey said.
“Deputy Commissioner Stewart’s outstanding record gives me confidence that he is the best person to take on a role, which I believe is one of the toughest jobs in Queensland.
“Deputy Commissioner Stewart grew up in Toowoomba and spent six of his first seven years as a police officer in Townsville. He understands the policing needs of both metropolitan and regional communities and how to achieve the best outcomes.”
The Deputy Commissioner will spend the next two months with Commissioner Atkinson, who retires at the beginning of November.
“Commissioner Atkinson has served with the utmost professionalism and I thank him for his years of service and the support he has given me in recent months,” Mr Dempsey said.