Showing our Aussie spirit

Australia Day has diverse meaning to our population, each one just as important as the others.

Marking the arrival of the First Fleet in Sydney Cove, Australia Day has come to mark the beginning of our country as we know it.

For some it is a day of rest, a day of relaxing around a barbecue with some snags and a beer in hand. Indeed it has been customary in Australia to have a drink on this day, since 1804, and we wouldn’t want to turn our back on tradition.

For those who have joined us from other countries, it is a time to appreciate the land they have come to and for a few of them it will be the day they officially become recognised as citizens.

For Indigenous Australians, Australia Day marks the beginning of the end of a way of life that they had lived for over 40,000 years.

For a couple of people, it may even just be yet another long weekend, an excuse to take a day off.

Australia Day is also when we honour those who show the true meaning of what it is to be an Australian. In every town, Australia Day awards are handed out to people who personify community spirit and the Australian ideals of mateship and helping others.

No matter what Australia Day means to you, there’s plenty happening in our region to provide you with the opportunity to get into the community spirit.

From fireworks to cricket matches, barbecues to flag raising ceremonies, there is something for everyone in our region.