CONDAMINE Headwaters Landcare Group loves it when this time of year rolls around and all the budding photographers and aspiring writers enter their annual competition.
This year’s competition “Love My River, Love My Land” will run until Friday 21 June, and Condamine Headwaters Landcare Group has once again put out the challenge.
Great prizes will be handed out for the best poem or story which puts into words an actual memory of your river or land experience and for the best photograph for our favourite image within the Condamine River Catchment, which shows what you love about where you live.
Once again, just for a bit of fun, a further prize shall also be provided for the best photo of the Landcare symbol hands formation.
The competitions will run until 21 June.
Full entry details on the categories requirements and topics can be found on the Landcare website at headwaters.ddrlandcare.org or, contact the Landcare office on 4661 9909.
The warmer months have come and gone
Now winter winds are blowing.
Though time has passed since summer storms
Glengallan keeps on flowing.
Eastern ranges feed the western fall
With tiny streams converging.
“Come join me cross the black soil plains”
Old Condamine is urging.
Cross gravel beds, dark silt and clay
Countless rain drops tumble.
An erosive force in time of flood
Will see dry creek banks crumble.
How varied the activities
From the junction to the source.
There’s place for man and nature too
Along the water course.
The memories of recent drought
Bring thoughts of grim reflection.
How precious is this simple stream
How urgent its protection.