AUSTRALIA Rodeo Heritage Centre could be used more for local events such as meetings and Christmas parties and event manager Elsa Ryan is encouraging residents to take advantage of the unique venue.
Mrs Ryan said the centre opened in 2006 and remains the only one of its kind in Australia.
The facility has a range of historical memorabilia on display, function rooms, corporate facilities, as well as offering up-to-date rodeo results and a main arena.
“We’d really love to open the centre up to more visitors and people wanting to showcase their livestock, or to host tours with local and state-wide schools,” she said.
“We currently work with Warwick High School’s rodeo program and students come in every second Wednesday to hone their skills, we’d like to widen this to other groups and schools to offer similar or unique programs.”
The centre recently hosted a visit from Wilga Park Morgans horse stud.
Wilga Park featured prize-winning Morgan stallion, Cortez, who put on a spectacular show for about 35 local and Toowoomba-based residents on Wednesday, 16 May.
Mrs Ryan said the facility had all the makings of a good community venue, however it was being under-utilised.
“We’re encouraging residents to approach us with their ideas,” she said.
For further information, phone Elsa Ryan on 0466 392 707.