Graffiti bombers in the gun

SOUTHERN Downs Regional Council has partnered with the Queensland Government to combat graffiti by launching the GraffitiSTOP initiative.
All incidents that are provided to GraffitiSTOP will be removed within seven days.
This rapid, zero tolerance response makes offenders likely to stop targeting your area. There are multiple ways to provide information:
1. Call 1300 Graffiti (1300 472 334) to report what you know and get graffiti removal and prevention advice. Hotline operates 6am to 6pm Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.
2. SMS what you know to 1300 Graffiti (1300 472 334) – 24/7.
3. Report offences and share images via
GraffitiSTOP is the best way for citizens to share information about graffiti tagging and vandalism problems in our community.
Graffiti tagging and vandalism costs Queensland’s local councils millions of dollars each year.
These are funds that would otherwise be spent on providing local projects like parks, walkways and improved roads.
Report all information to GraffitiSTOP and help keep our streets clean.