Transplant offers new life


WOODENBONG resident Darrin Willows feels like the luckiest man in the world after a kidney transplant recently saved his life.
Darrin had spent the past eight years on dialysis in the hope that a suitable kidney would become available.
On 27 April, he received news from the Princess Alexandra Hospital that a kidney was being flown in and he would need to prepare for surgery.

The transplant lasted more than 10 hours and left Darrin with three kidneys, one of which is the healthy functioning one.
“My dialysis machine was dispatched elsewhere after only four days – proving the new kidney function was just fine,” he said.
Darrin spent eight weeks in Brisbane, supported by his loving family, parents Jo and John Willows. He said he was feeling well enough after six weeks to drive to his own medical appointments.
Now, safely back at home, Darrin wishes to extend a heartfelt “thank you” to the many people who made his remarkable journey a success.
This includes the renal team at Princess Alexandra Hospital, Dr James, the two Jane’s, head of transplant and social worker, his parents, and all his family, including brother, Jason and sister, Michelle for their support, the Woodenbong Campdraft Association and its members and the Woodenbong Rodeo Club Ltd. Also the ladies’ auxiliary for their thoughtfulness and gifts.
“And thanks to those I may have missed as my sincere appreciation goes to all,” he said.
Darrin continues to make a speedy recovery and is looking forward to re-entering the workforce as soon as he is able.
He said he will be forever grateful to his donor who made the ultimate sacrifice and their family for enabling him to enjoy this new found wonderful quality of life.