Flood plain off limits


SOUTHERN Downs Regional Council has rejected an application to build an elevated cottage at a property in Leyburn, after it was found to be in the path of future flood events.
The unanimous decision to knock-back the development will likely impact future development applications attempting to build in flood-prone areas, particularly where access to the property is limited during flood events.
The applicant proposed the construction of a secondary cottage on a 5.3 hectare property at Tummaville Road.
But according to new planning scheme requirements, which came into affect on 14 August last year, new developments are not to be constructed or located within flood-prone areas.
In an attempt to ensure the property would remain flood safe, the applicant proposed that the cottage be elevated by steel columns.
However, the western boundary of the land adjoins Canal Creek and there was little chance of emergency crews gaining access to the property during rising waters.
Councillors discussed the application for almost half an hour before Councillor Neil Meiklejohn said it was council’s responsibility to ensure personal safety of both people and property.
“Life is ultimately what we are talking about,” he said.
Cr Meiklejohn said the phrase once used to describe floods as “one in 100 years”, no longer applied and future flood events were now more certain than ever.
His comments were shared by other Councillors and a unanimous vote against the development was carried.