Slide on cattle quality and numbers

THE number of cattle yarded was down slightly, consisting of a larger yarding of export cattle and a few less young cattle.

Quality of the young cattle was not as good as last week, with a limited supply of prime trade cattle available for butchers and wholesalers to choose from.
The market saw little change with vealers to slaughter selling from 157c to 185c to average around 168c/kg.
Buyer interest was not as strong for restocker vealer steers with most selling from 151c to 180c, while trade yearling steers toped at 188c and
heifers sold to 180c/kg.
Feeder cattle held firm, with the better bred steers and heifers making the premium prices and mainly medium weights offered.
There was a larger yarding of export cattle consisting of an improved run of bullocks and steers, with several lots crop finished, and a mixed yarding of cows, with several pens crop finished.
Increased buyer competition saw the bullock market improve,
and cows also were up by 7c/kg.