Lock it up or lose it: Police

MEMBERS of the community are reminded to ensure property is left secured, whether at home or out and about.

The reminder follows a recent incident where a mobile phone was stolen while a person was shopping at Stanthorpe Plaza.
Police said the majority of stealing offences occurred when personal items were left unattended whether in a shopping trolley, unlocked vehicle or unlocked home.
“The vast majority of thieves are cowards and look for easy targets, most unwilling to go to the extra effort of breaking into a house or vehicle due to the length of time it takes and the increase in chances of getting caught in the process,” Senior Sergeant Mark Ireland said.
Snr Sgt Ireland said any residents planning extended trips away can let police know.
“If you plan to be absent from your premises for an extended period whether this be on holiday or otherwise, you are welcome to advise Stanthorpe Police of the relevant dates as well as your contact details or those of a keyholder,” he said.
“While we can offer no guarantees on the security of your premises in your absence, your address will be added to patrols conducted by officers at this station.”