Big band at Robert Channon Wines

The Swigmore Hall at Robert Channon Wines in Stanthorpe will resonate mightily this Sunday, when the 60-strong Queensland Wind and Brass present a concert entitled ‘Heroes on Holiday’.
The heroes’ theme will see the band featuring music from Batman, Star Wars, the Godfather, Robin Hood and much more.
“It is going to be a very entertaining concert with the biggest ensemble that we have ever featured in the Swigmore Hall. The band is also going to be well prepared for the Stanthorpe weather, with a special new uniform of polar fleeces for their Granite Belt weekend,” Robert Channon said.
The concert starts at 2pm. Tickets, including a glass of wine as usual, are $20 or $15 for concessions.
Bookings can be made by ringing the winery on (07) 4683 3260.