Nominations extended for 2013 Rural Women’s Award

The date for Australia’s rural women to nominate for the 2013 RIRDC Rural Women’s Award has been extended to October 31.
The huge amount of publicity surrounding the 2012 Rural Women’s Award in the past two weeks has seen a surge in interest from women across the country wanting to nominate for next year’s Award.
Rural Industries R&D Corporation Managing Director, Craig Burns, said the decision was made to extend the deadline date to provide as many women as possible with the chance to get their nomination in.
“We’ve been amazed at the interest the Award has generated, especially in the past two weeks leading up to and following the announcement of the Award’s national winner on October 9,” Mr Burns said.
“Many more rural women have now been exposed to the Award through the recent publicity, so we’ve made a decision to extend the deadline date so that everyone who wants to nominate for next year’s Award has enough time to get their application in.”
The Award is open to all women involved in primary industries. The application form and more information on how to apply for the Award can be found at’s-award.
State and Territory winners receive a $10,000 financial bursary to implement their Award vision. Each State and Territory winner and runner-up will have the opportunity to participate in the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) Course and will be supported to develop an individual integrated leadership plan.
Mary Retallack from South Australia was named as the national winner of the RIRDC Rural Women’s Award on Tuesday night, with Catherine Marriott from Western Australian named national runner-up.
Before being extended, the closure date was previously Monday, October 15.