Listening to promises of politicians

The carbon tax story is delivered with straight faces on people who are convinced that out here in voter land we have a tendency or ability to make lucky discoveries quite by accident or serendipity as in the Persian Fairy Tales of old.
Listening to the promises of politicians is just as likely to provide one with the realisation that fairy stories about the wealthy caring about the poor and thus promising pieces of silver to prove it is either a bribe or total nonsense.
Anyone who thinks that governments can forecast the future four years in advance should think of Christchurch in New Zealand.
This writer believes that the Greens signed off on this lesser version of the carbon tax that Mr Rudd, former PM, consigned to history, because they had to be there to go their hardest if and when PM Gillard wins the next election.
No Australian should be under any illusion that this is not a cunning, clever and deceptive move by a government that has its own agenda.
As the stimulus money spent the savings of this nation, this grab bag of pieces of silver to buy respect for a carbon tax will be seen for what it is, a short-term sweetener to have the Gillard Government re-elected.
Lucky discoveries will be no more as our Australia is traded for nothing. Europe has been broken financially, a commentator stated recently, by what PM Gillard is planning; however, the weather has not changed one iota.

Melba Morris, Allora