Penny’s having a baby

Penny Wong, the Federal Finance Minister, has something to take her mind away from Australia’s massive debt problem. She and her female partner are going to have
a baby!
When Australia became a Federation, who in their wildest dreams would have thought that one day, our Federal Parliament would contain many members who condone an unnatural way of life. Many members with the audacity to desire the same social status that is due to a natural marriage between a man and a woman.
Same sex unions can be given the same legal status as true marriage. However, it should be called by another name. There could be a competition to suggest a name. May I submit homo union?
Given the same legal status, homo union partners, if they divorce, could then engage in the same nasty court battles we see in cases where woman versus man. They could engage in Family Court custody battles over children; take out DVOs against each other and fight over money and other
worldly goods.
“Australians all, let us rejoice, for we are young and free,” and remember; God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.

Jay Nauss
Glen Aplin