Quoting Menzies

John Salata (Southern Free Times 8/9/11) writes that he has no respect for the PM as he believes that she has no respect for Australia. Of course he’s entitled to his opinion.
Mr Salata “quotes” freely from the late Sir Robert Menzies regarding ALP politicians having no brains or that they are communist, etc.
However, I wonder how much respect Menzies had for Australia when he was selling scrap iron to the Japanese and they repaid his generosity by sending it back as bullets and bombs in World War II.
Menzies is credited with imple-menting provisional taxation and the double taxation Act, which saw multi-national corporations paying little or no income tax to Australia.
I suggest Mr Salata should do more research before continuing to quote from the late Sir Robert Menzies.

Jay Nauss,
Glen Aplin