Chimney restoration

In an age where constructions of significant historical value are often demolished in the name of ‘progress’, it is a great feeling to know that your campaign to save one of these icons has borne fruit.
I write of the famous Rivertree chimney built in 1895 to carry toxic fumes from the silver smelting plants. When I first came to Rivertree many years ago I was taken in by the majestic architecture looking across at me.
I noticed there were visible signs of wear and tear. The chimney’s lower portion was full of thousands of shotgun indentations where person/s had tried to bring the chimney down. I was horrified. Also around the base there was a lot of damage to brickwork caused by cattle licking the bricks.
From that moment I knew I must save the chimney. After contacting the Tenterfield Historical Society and getting the chimney fenced off, I did not know what else to do. I managed to get myself appointed as the new Heritage Rep, managed to get the Tenterfield Ratepayers Association on side and they wrote to Council supporting my project.
Council discussed the subject, but most of them knew little of the chimney. By now more people were hearing of the chimney and a Canberra-based former master chimney builder and member of the local historic society, Syd Drury OA, asked me to take him to the chimney. He was impressed with it as much as I was. He made a number of suggestions on what should be done to preserve it.
I raised the subject again at a Heritage meeting and Mayor Toby Smith suggested members of Council should visit the site. They did and the impression I got was they were smitten. At the next meeting the Mayor advised restoration should move quickly. It was also agreed Mr Drury be flown up to give critical advice. The master builder from Tenterfield by the name of Onelio Meneguzzl was employed and did a wonderful job of repairing it.
An unveiling of the newly repaired Rivertree Chimney will be held this Saturday, October 22, and the community is invited. For more details contact David Stewart of Tenterfield Council on ph 1300 762 400. Rivertree is situated in North East NSW, 43kms east of Stanthorpe. You drive along the Mt Lindesay Road until you reach the village of Liston where you turn east and go about another 30kms.
Jack Clarke