Public support?

I have just returned from a weekend at the Community Showcase at Slade School.
What a total disappointment it was, especially for all the people who worked so hard to put it on for the Warwick public.
Even though there will be people who will talk it up as a success, I have photos to show ‘the lack of public support’, in the form of empty pavements and stall holders sitting waiting for someone to pass by. Visit
Most of the events were witnessed by only a few, and mostly members of Warwick & District Country Music Club. In fact, most of the visitors were members of the club, or participating in their own displays.
I don’t know yet what the numbers were that came through the gate, but sadly most would have fitted into the above category.
The weather was good, although wet underfoot, until the storm came late in the afternoon on Saturday. Sunday was a perfect day.
So all I can suggest is that the club members and the Warwick public are rather sick to death of this debacle about Slade School that has been going on for years and it is now time to move on.
It is time for the committee of W & D Music Club to move forward and find another home for our socials, preferably with Good Kitchen Facilities and at least a hall that has Safety Switches in its meter box.
We are a thriving music club, but all the unrest over the last couple of years has started to erode people’s enjoyment of the club events.
We certainly will not close down if we have to move halls, it is just a minor adjustment and we may find our membership climbing again with peace, harmony and laughter returning.

Leonie Miller