The perfect crime

“Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin, and if you want to continue to be the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let them continue to create (your) money,” (Sir Josiah Stamp – former Bank of England President). Otherwise take it in your own hands and demand the Magna Carta commitment to cancellation of all debt after seven years. The pollies seemed to have gone to water.
Built on the foundations of destruction and usurious indebtedness, created by Dutch moneylenders who wished to remained anonymous, (‘Pawns in the Game’- Guy Carr) the Bank of ‘England’, not the IMF World Bank, was originally structured for the purpose of war.
For a loan of 1,250,000 pounds sterling, for Britain to fight its Empire building wars, the people of England were sold into economic bondage to foreigners, as with the rest of the English speaking western world today.
The perfect crime now in its 317th year of achievement, to ‘save’ failed independent sovereignties from bankruptcy, by installing world government, appears especially relevant now, with global unrest becoming more menacing.
Get wise to hidden agenda of falsified history, to help bring it undone.
Jim Shanks