Tax on taxes

The NSW Government slugs us 20-25 per cent Stamp Duty Tax on all Home & Contents basic premiums and a least 3 per cent on a range of other transactions. We then cop an additional 10 per cent GST on this Stamp Duty Tax! A tax on a tax, so much for the GST replacing all other taxes. Get rid of the 1920s Stamp Duty Tax.
Every litre of petrol includes 38 cents Excise Tax for the Gillard Australian Government. This tax is then taxed an additional 10 per cent under GST impositions.
Every IPART announcement of an electricity rise does not include the GST. Our recent 18 per cent rise in reality is closer to 20 per cent, once the GST is added.
The State and Federal Governments rake in billions with each and every increase in petrol and electricity prices through additional GST!  No wonder there is little effort to curb price rises.

T Minahan