Ancient practices

The plot thickens! Charles Gaitskell, SFT 14/6/12, opened up a can of worms when he criticised “Jumpers in July” and linked the practice to ancient paganism.
To Michelle de Banke, we owe gratitude for enlightening us on the practices of the ancients. Obviously, she has done her research and takes the debate to another level in her description of the antics of the ancient sodomites and their involvement in ancient religions. At the present time as we see these practices coming into public view, we can now understand their ancient origins.
Wendy Furminger, also adds her research to the debate in that she, rightly, links Easter and Christmas to paganism. These two events have been incorporated into today’s “Christian” churches with new trimmings added, but they were not part of the ‘worship’ of the first century Christians.
Reports on the recent Australian census tell us that the non-Christian population is growing. Little wonder, as I believe the “Christian” churches have lost their way and are becoming more and more apostate with each passing decade. Soon their irrelevance will be seen by all.

Jay Nauss
Glen Aplin