Feeding Asia

The Prime Minister of Australia reckons that Aussie farmers are in a splendid position to help feed Asia’s growing population. She may think so, but our farmers have a different view.
The following concerns need to be immediately addressed: irrigation water is being reduced, along with restrictive environmental laws, gas wells could destroy much of the underground aquifer, mining companies and foreigners are buying up prime farm land, national parks and heritage listed areas are providing a sanctuary for vermin, trees are being planted (carbon credits?) where food once grew, farm debt is out of control, farmers are committing suicide at an alarming rate and the majority of the remaining farmers are near retirement age.
I think it is time for PM Julia to take a reality check and find out what is really going on in rural Australia.
Soon we will have to ask God to give us our daily bread, as the politicians are determined to take it away as fast as they can.

Jay Nauss