Point proven

I would at this point like to thank J Bath for proving my point re: discrimination and leaving my bubble well and truly intact.
There are no legal grounds to stop gays from having lunch at Maccas or KFC or gaining any employment they are capable of doing. And true enough, nobody will ever stop a homosexual couple from living in their street and being able to walk past the houses where we live.
Still, discrimination IS most definitely alive and well in Australia while ever same sex marriage is not legally recognised.
Seriously, I have asked the question before and here it is again… Whose business is it but their own if a same sex couple wishes to be married and share the rest of their lives together?
To say it breaks the pillar of marriage or the sanctity or whatever other fabulous and over the top words you want to use to describe it… I would think that Charlie Sheen and his family, or Kim Kardawhatshername and a 72-day marriage or even Brittney Spears being married for 55 hours will do far more to destroy your sanctity and pillars than any same sex couple ever will.
If you are going to stop discrimination, then stop ALL discrimination.

Neil Briscoe