True Blue support

This is so wrong!!!!
Are you aware of the following? The Australian Federal Government provides the following financial assistance:

Illegal Immigrants/Refugees Living in Australia
Weekly Allowance: $472.50
Weekly Spouse Allowance: $472.50
Additional Weekly Hardship Allowance: $145.00
Total Yearly Benefit

Australian Aged Pensioner
Weekly Allowance: $253.00
Weekly Spouse Allowance: $56.00 Additional Weekly Hardship Allowance: $0.00
Total Yearly Benefit $16,068.00

Yes!!! These people get $40,612.00 ‘more’ than our own True Blue Aussies. After all, the average pensioner has paid taxes and contributed to the growth of this country for the last 40–60 years. Australia…save it before we lose it…it’s not too late!!

John Salata,
Glen Aplin