
I am writing on behalf of the Tenterfield Endurance Riding Club Inc to tell a sad tale about some of the lowlife ratbags that live in our area.
The terrific Tenterfield annual Endurance Ride was held in May, attracting riders from all parts of NSW and QLD who could enter into a Social ride 20-30km, a Training Ride of 40-60km or the Open Ride 80-100km. Riders may choose to “retire” at the shorter distance or elevate to the longer distance if they feel their horse is fit and able. It was our 26th ride and we are so lucky to have such a beautiful place in Girard State Forest to hold our annual rides.
We were so proud of our “new look” Ride Base. Club members have put hours of hard work into improving the base over the years and now that we hold an Occupational Permit with NSW State Forests, we have a hefty annual rent to pay. This year we had finally got around to fencing the area, partly for the general safety of horses, but also to designate our area so that other users knew it was cared for by the Club. We had some professional signs erected so that, if people wish to camp there and use our facilities, they could contact the nearest member and pay the Club a small camping fee to help towards our “rent”. We’ve had 4WD Clubs, Trail Riding Groups and just groups of friends camping there with no trouble so far.
Last Sunday, thieves went and trashed $550 worth of fencing to steal $350 worth of steel pickets. They were well equipped with a powered cut off saw in order to cut our new gates off their hinges. They managed to cut one gate free and then, as luck would have it, they must have been disturbed as they flung the gate into the side of the track and sped off. The wire was left in useless short lengths.
The Police have been notified, but what can they do? The area is 42km East of Tenterfield and 8km West of Drake. The public Rest Area at Crooked Creek is no longer looked after, so it is inevitable that people will explore the area and, lo and behold – find our lovely spot! All we ask is that users respect our property – not go and wreck it.
Will surveillance cameras have to be installed? At what cost and how effective will they be?

Philippa Lillyman,
Secretary, Tenterfield