Travel junkets

Geoff Pickering and Peter Andrewartha (SFT 19/7) are to be congratulated for bringing to our attention the travel expenses of Bruce Scott’s wife who he took on some of his travel junkets. They are entitled to be upset for the money that was misspent by the Member for Maranoa.
However, even if all the people of Maranoa knew of this travel rort nothing would change. As for Scott not replying to Peter’s previous letters; it comes as no surprise. Scott lives, secure in the knowledge, that Maranoa is a safe National seat and it would take an issue of volcanic proportions to see the seat pass to another party.
The fault lies not with Scott but with those who voted him into office. As long as the wider community keeps supporting the system as it now is, nothing will change. Change will only come when enough people stop supporting the system with their votes. What we need is a boycott of formal voting. If thousands would just put a zero in every box then the puppet masters would soon get the message. How likely is that to happen with an uninformed electorate? But at least we can talk about these issues; for the time being at least.
Jay Nauss
Glen Aplin