Olympic spirit

The Olympics is sure to be in your thoughts right now as our athletes line up with the world’s best in London. With around 100 athletes hailing from Queensland some would say that there must be ‘something in the water’ here. And one who excelled in the water was Kieren Perkins. When asked how he achieved such feats he answered, “Being your best is not so much about overcoming the barriers other people place in front of you as it is about overcoming the barriers we place in front of ourselves”.
Society as a whole is finding out at breathtaking speed that health is not just what’s going on physically but what’s happening mentally. We’re hearing a lot more about how what we believe can make an enormous difference in what we experience. We’re hearing more about the role of spirituality in health, making people better physically as well as emotionally.
Sports medicine researcher, Brian Udermann, points to strong scientific evidence suggesting that individuals who regularly participate in spiritual activities and who feel strongly that spirituality or the presence of a higher power are sources of strength and comfort are healthier and possess greater healing capabilities. He goes so far as to suggest that incorporating spirituality into training could be crucial to providing the highest quality care possible for athletes. Some psychiatrists support these ideas by pointing out that obsessions with fitness and weight loss are not helpful, while we overlook a yearning for meaning in life.
Often it’s when sports people find spiritual meaning that talent and true sportsmanship unite to produce a great athlete. Observe with me over the next couple of weeks how each of our Olympian athletes, so deserving of success, has progressed in this understanding, as we barrack together for “Team Oz”!

Kay Stroud
Health Blogger
QLD Christian Science Representative