Viva la revolution

The effort by Stanthorpe’s, Save Our Shire Committee is a passive “revolution”. Or as our Local Government Minister would say: “It’s democracy in action.”
How successful the “revolution” to restore Stanthorpe’s and several other Shires will be is dependant on a number of factors. A large majority of the people have to be in favour of the move. Not just in favour, but raised to a state of fervent parochialism. They have to realize that their God-given freedom is being seriously threatened.
Members of the committee must remain in that state of mind for as long as it takes or the movement will fizzle and die just like previous protests.
All relevant information needs to be freely available to the community – by newsletter, internet, word-of-mouth, regular meetings and any other means. All we have is people power.
There needs to be a Ratepayers association with a membership structure in order for people to feel committed to the cause.
De-amalgamation must be financially viable for the ratepayers. It appears, because of massive government debt, there will, in the future, be little or no monetary assistance from them.
Unless shires secede, they need State Government approval to separate. Don’t believe the QLD Labor Party, they will say anything to regain power. Unless council debt is reduced there will be moves to bigger councils.
Like the animals in George Orwell’s book; we are gradually losing our freedoms.

Jay Nauss
Glen Aplin