Democracy who?

There’s a promo for a show about democracy being aired on Foxtell.  The catch phrase is, “Democracy is not a spectator sport!”  Whoever dreamed that up, I take my hat off to him/her.
It says it all.  As a person criminalised by the system for speaking out against it, I’ve been forced to realise most Australians are too gutless to stand against the Fascist Labor and Liberal parties. A realisation that both shocked and angered me. On the battlefields of the world, Australians have proven themselves to be, “as game as Ned Kelly” and then some, but in the political arena, as cowardly as the biggest squib America has ever produced!
Everyone I talk to is fed up with being screwed by the government. Until we, as a nation, find the courage from somewhere to smash the Fascist major parties out of existence, we’re going to continue to be screwed by them! It’s that simple! It’s not rocket science!
Frank Brown