Religious rights

I agree with Erin Johns (SFT, 1-11-12) that she has certainly missed many chapters of the Bible and needs to read it in order to answer the questions that she raises. Earthquakes, tsunamis and death occur because the universe was cursed alongside with mankind because of our rebellion and separation from God (Genesis Chapters 1,2,3; Romans 8:18-22). This was not God’s fault but rather mankind’s. The reason some religious organisations adorn themselves against Erin’s wishes is because that’s what people throughout history and still currently do, dress up! The Defence Force does, Parliament does, Rock and Roll stars do and people even do it for weddings and football games. So what! The ‘common herd’ that Erin mentions may well be the sheep of the true shepherd who hear their master’s voice (John 10:1-30). Erin apparently has not yet heard that voice (2 Corinthians 4:3-4). Erin doubts that ‘Jesus is coming’. I’m not surprised because she’s never read the Bible in order to be aware of His words. Jesus is coming (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18), however it is not known when (Acts 1:7;1 Thess.5:1-11) although it will be sudden, unexpected and there will be a judgement (Revelation 20:11-15). Is the Bible even true? Yes, it was inspired by the creator of the universe. I don’t believe that Erin created a universe, so I think I’ll trust God rather than her. Instead of using words such as balderdash and poppycock in relation to the best selling book on earth, Erin might have the courage to attend Bible study at Warwick Church of Christ (cnr Wood and Wantely Sts) on Wednesday nights at 7.30pm and learn something of what is apparently so detestable to her.

Jamie Bath
Mount Tabor