Schubert takes singles

The presentation for the District Men’s Singles played at Clifton on Sunday. From left Bryce Titmas (District President) and Tony Schubert (winner from The Summit Bowls Club). (Supplied).

The Summit’s Tony Schubert has taken out the District Men’s Singles Bowls titles held at Clifton on Saturday and Sunday.

Winners of the sectional play on Saturday were: Danny Hughes (Clifton) 4 + 15, Adam Tozer (Warwick East) 4 + 34, Peter Collis (Warwick East) 4 + 8, Tony Schubert (The Summit) 4 +17, Jamie Zamprogno (The Summit) 4 +27, Neville Richardson (Tenterfield) 4 +11, Mattie Shepherd (Southern Cross) 4 + 19 and next best qualifier Jim Rickard 2 + 15.

Results of post sectional play on Sunday: Tony Schubert defeated Danny Hughes 21-11; Jamie Zamprogno defeated Peter Collis 21-19; Neville Richardson beat Mattie Shepherd 21-18, Jim Rickard beat Adam Tozer 21-16.

Results of the semifinals saw Tony Schubert defeat Jim Rickard 25-21 and Neville Richardson beat Jamie Zamprogno 25-12.

The final between Schubert and Richardson was a close contest with only a couple of shots separating the two players.

It was only in the last two ends that Tony managed to take control of the game to win 25 shots to 21. Schubert is congratulated on his win after being runner up on several occasions.

Results of social play on Saturday afternoon are as follows: Game 1: Rod Newlands, Rod Crome and Phil Davis 14 defeated Eddie Zanatta, Margaret Harvey and Ray Spiller 7; Game two: Mary Zanatta and Darren Stanley 28 v Bill Larsen and Eliseo Zamprogno 12 – Game 3 – Cliff Jones and Brian Wilmot 11 defeated Pam Moore and Quinton Stanley 9. Trophy winners were Ray Spiller, Rod Newlands and Eliseo Zamprogno.

The following squad is to represent the club in the pennants final at Tara this weekend. M Sweeney, F Taylor, J Zamprogno, T Schubert, C Wilson, D Stanley, D Callaghan, R Capelli, A Jackson, G Preston, T Sweeney, S Martin, L Mullins, P Ayerst. The club wishes the teams all the best in the annual pilgrimage to Tara. A meeting of the zone will also be held at Tara with newcomers The Downs District in attendance.

The Summit Men’s Fours will be held on Saturday 21 September. Nominations will close next Saturday 14 September. Nominations are also open for the Apple Blossom Pairs and Fours. Nominations to Pam Moore or Maree Ball.

Calendar for the coming weeks: Saturday 14 Septeamber: Zone Pennant Final at Tara, Social play at The Summit – Nomsa close for Men’s Fours; Tuesday, 17 September Turkey Triples; Saturday 21 September: Men’s Fours 9.30 Men’s Fours, Social Play 1pm; Saturday 26 October: Apple Blossom Pairs; Sunday: 27 October: Apple Blossom Fours.

Warwick East Bowls Club

Thursday (5 September) Warwick East held their monthly triples competition, Peter Collis, Glen Preston and Carl Sutherland taking the title.

The runners-up were Kev Mooney, Cita Weier and Linda Hartley. On Saturday at the mixed social bowls they were down a little in numbers, as some of the bowlers were competing in the District Singles in Clifton.

However, they held two games each of pairs and triples and the equal winners were Peter Dipplesman, Chris Lawler and Bill Lee. The attempt at the jackpot was unsuccessful.

This coming Saturday (14 September) the club will hold a fund-raising day for Julie Foster and Sue Butz, who will be representing the zone in the state finals of the Ladies Pairs. The club would like to see as many bowlers as possible attend, not just Warwick East members, but anyone else from the district who would like to support our representatives. Play will begin at 1pm, with names to be in by 12.30, by phoning the club on 4661 9050.

The annual Rose Fiesta fours carnival is to be held on Saturday, 5 October. There are still a few places available for teams to nominate. Each team must have at least one lady member. Further down the track they have their club-selected competition taking place on Saturday, 19 October, and Sunday 20 October if necessary. There is a sign-up sheet in the clubhouse to nominate for this event.

Warwick Bowls Club

The Turkey Triples held on Tuesday, 3 September was played in good spirit while the renovation was going on in the kitchen. The weather was great, the players were there to have a good time and the blood was flowing while getting a bit of exercise.

Master Chefs, Peter Cirson and Vic Skilton did a great job on the BBQ as did the ladies, even without the use of the kitchen.

Lucky raffle winners were David Smith x2, Terry Bandit, Clark Davidson x2.

Last round winners Jim Lamb, Linda Hartley and Terry Bandit took home the prizes from sponsors Lyons Street Butchers.

Runners-up were Marian Cirson, Gary Cooper and Max Balfour who received prizes from sponsors Coles.

The overall winners for the day were Daryl Busch, Geoff Davis and Dan Stark who all received Wish Gift Cards donated by Woolworths.

On Saturday, 3 September there were 24 bowlers taking part in the Mystery Sponsored Day. Thankyou to Wendy Zwoerner from Brisbane, Ian Walshe from Kiama, Ian Furner from Manilla and Dan Stark from Burnie for attending. The club will be now have this event on the first Saturday of the month. The biggest mystery is the criteria to secure the prizes. This time it was the lowest margin for the losing team. Vic Skilton and Dave Scotney picked up the prizemoney .

Lucky numbers raffle winners were Michael Dungey and Dave Scotney.

Saturday, 14 September – No Bowls (private function).

Sunday, 15 September – Open Fours Carnival 9am. Games Director Faye 0411 571 913.

Wednesday, 18 September – KFC sponsored Social Bowls at 1pm.

Saturday, 21 September – General Meeting at 10am. All members please attend. Followed by Social Bowls at 1pm approx.

Sunday, 22 September – Crowar Shield Competition at the Southern Cross Club. Be there by 12noon for a 12.30pm start.

Wednesday, 25 September – Jackpot Pairs Social at 1pm. All welcome